wlists Archive

People Share Their Cold Stories Of Calculated Revenge

There’s a line from the movie “Once Upon A Time” where one character says to the other, “Your life must be filled with such incredible loneliness if your only joy comes from destroying everyone else’s happiness.” Now apply this quote to a select group of …

People Share Their Backstabbing Revenge Stories

Have you ever watched a television show and marveled at the villain’s poise, confidence, and go-to attitude? Do their brilliant, scheming ways push you to plan your life out to achieve the best results, no matter the cost? If that sounds like something you do …

Theme Park Workers Share The Secret Privileges That Rich People Have

Ah, theme parks: a wonder-filled place chock-full of potential for fantastical memories for years to come. While visitors may find themselves daydreaming of memories involving great companionship, grab-and-go-food and lots of laughs, the workers probably have less than joyous memories. While I was never employed …

La gente comparte sus mas interesantes historias de venganza

Oh, venganza. Algunos dicen que es dulce, otros dicen que se sirve en plato frío, y Confucio advierte: “Antes de embarcarte en una venganza, cava dos tumbas”. ¡Todos tienen algo que decir al respecto! Buscar venganza es casi tan viejo como el tiempo. Hemos visto …